Homework 10 : Linear Regression#


Due date: The homework is due 23:59 on Monday, March 25th.

You will submit your work on MarkUs. To submit your work:

  1. Download this file (Homework_10.ipynb) from JupyterHub. (See our JupyterHub Guide for detailed instructions.)

  2. Submit this file to MarkUs under the hw10 assignment. (See our MarkUs Guide for detailed instructions.) All homeworks will take place in a Jupyter notebook (like this one). When you are done, you will download this notebook and submit it to MarkUs.


In this homework we explore:

  • Preparing data from two different sources and merging before analysis

  • Performing linear regression with multiple dependent variables

  • Checking performance of linear regression

Question: How do mental health visits correlated with different socioeconomic factors in men and woman 65+ living in Toronto?#

You may use the lecture notebook to help you conduct the following analysis.

Task 1a: Pre-processing independent variables#

Sociodemographic data#

To perform ordinary least squares (i.e. linear regression) analysis, we will need a set of independent variables and one dependent variable.

  1. Read sociodemographic data from the excel file 1_socdem_neighb_2006-2.xls with sheet name socdem_2006 into pandas using read_excel. Name the dataframe socdem_neighb.

  2. Select columns/variables relevant for your analysis.

  3. Rename dataframe columns according to table.

  4. Check first few entires of dataframe.

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

Step 1: Read in data, name the dataframe socdem_neighb. Set header to row 10.#

# Write your code here

socdem_neighb = pd.read_excel('1_socdem_neighb_2006-2.xls', sheet_name = 'socdem_2006', header = 10)

Step 2: Select columns and save the results to a new dataframe called socdem_neighb_important sconsisting of the important columns.#

For our analysis, select the columns Neighbourhood id, Neighbourhood Name, % Not in labour force *, % Rented Dwellings, % Aged 65+ living alone.

# Write your code here

cols = ['Neighbourhood id', 
        'Neighbourhood Name', 
        '% Not in labour force *',
        '% Rented Dwellings',
        '% Aged 65+ living alone']

socdem_neighb_important = socdem_neighb[cols]

Step 3: Rename dataframe columns inplace according to table below:#

Old name

New name

Neighbourhood id


Neighbourhood Name


% Not in labour force *


% Rented Dwellings


% Aged 65+ living alone


# Write your code here

colnames = {cols[0] : 'neighbid',
            cols[1] : 'name',
            cols[2] : 'pct_retired',
            cols[3] : 'pct_rent',
            cols[4] : 'live_alone'}

socdem_neighb_important.rename(columns = colnames, inplace = True)
/var/folders/p0/ynn6kljd5pg6sh4_616yzw3c0000gn/T/ipykernel_3978/3232016011.py:9: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  socdem_neighb_important.rename(columns = colnames, inplace = True)

Step 4: Check your dataframe by using head() function#

# Write your code here

neighbid name pct_retired pct_rent live_alone
0 1 West Humber-Clairville 33.7 27.4 11.7
1 2 Mount Olive-Silverstone-Jamestown 34.0 52.0 15.4
2 3 Thistletown-Beaumond Heights 38.0 34.4 17.5
3 4 Rexdale-Kipling 37.0 45.1 28.8
4 5 Elms-Old Rexdale 36.5 41.2 13.0

Task 1b: Processing dependent variable and merging dataframes#

Mental health visit data#

  1. Read data from the excel file 1_ahd_neighb_db_ast_hbp_mhv_copd_2007.xls with sheet name 1_ahd_neighb_mentalHV_2007 into pandas using read_excel. Name this dataframe mh_neighb.

  2. Only select age 65+ to filter our dataset for the older population. Include both sexes.

  3. Rename dataframe according to table

  4. Merge socioeconomic data with mental health visit data

Step 1: Loading in data and name dataframe mh_neighb. Set header to row 11.#

# Write your code here

mh_neighb = pd.read_excel('1_ahd_neighb_db_ast_hbp_mhv_copd_2007.xls', sheet_name = '1_ahd_neighb_mentalHV_2007', header = [11])

Step 2: Selecting age 65+ of both sexes, name resulting dataframe mh_visit_rates.#

Since this dataframe is a little complicated, a hint is given: columns 0, 1, and 53 correspond to Neighbourhood ID, Neighbourhood Name, and percentage of mental health visits in both sexes 65+ respectively.

# Write your code here

important_cols = mh_neighb.columns[[0, 1, 53]]
mh_visit_rates = mh_neighb.copy()
mh_visit_rates = mh_visit_rates[important_cols]

Step 3: Renaming the columns of the dataframe inplace using the following table:#

Old name

New name

Unnamed: 0


Unnamed: 1


% With mental health visits.11


# Write your code here

colnames = {important_cols[0]: 'neighbid',
           important_cols[1] : 'name',
           important_cols[2] : 'mh_visit_pct'}

mh_visit_rates.rename(columns = colnames, inplace=True)

# Check you dataframe!
neighbid name mh_visit_pct
0 1 West Humber-Clairville 10.6
1 2 Mount Olive-Silverstone-Jamestown 12.3
2 3 Thistletown-Beaumond Heights 10.4
3 4 Rexdale-Kipling 13.8
4 5 Elms-Old Rexdale 13.4

Step 4: Merge Sociodemographic and mental health visit data and call the merged dataframe mh_socdem#

  • To examine the relationship between mental health visits and socioeconomic status, we will need to merge socdem_neighb_important to mh_visit_rates based on neighbid.

  • Note: merge dataframe A to dataframe B is B.merge(A). This is for passing the rigid autotesting :)

# Write your code here

mh_socdem = mh_visit_rates.merge(socdem_neighb_important, left_on='neighbid', right_on='neighbid')

neighbid name_x mh_visit_pct name_y pct_retired pct_rent live_alone
0 1 West Humber-Clairville 10.6 West Humber-Clairville 33.7 27.4 11.7
1 2 Mount Olive-Silverstone-Jamestown 12.3 Mount Olive-Silverstone-Jamestown 34.0 52.0 15.4
2 3 Thistletown-Beaumond Heights 10.4 Thistletown-Beaumond Heights 38.0 34.4 17.5
3 4 Rexdale-Kipling 13.8 Rexdale-Kipling 37.0 45.1 28.8
4 5 Elms-Old Rexdale 13.4 Elms-Old Rexdale 36.5 41.2 13.0

Task 2: Fit the regression model#

  1. Fit the model by using the ols function. See lecture notebook for examples.

  2. Create a summary of key values by using the .summary method on the fitted model.

Step 1: Fit the regression model and call the fitted model reg_mh_fit#

# Write your code here

reg_mh = ols('mh_visit_pct ~ pct_retired + pct_rent + live_alone', data = mh_socdem) # setup the model

reg_mh_fit = reg_mh.fit() # estimate/fit the model 

Step 2: Generate statistical summary of the regression model and name result reg_mh_summary#

# Write your code here

reg_mh_summary = reg_mh_fit.summary()

coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 8.2671 1.244 6.643 0.000 5.806 10.728
pct_retired 0.0783 0.030 2.650 0.009 0.020 0.137
pct_rent 0.0192 0.010 2.001 0.047 0.000 0.038
live_alone 0.0417 0.018 2.363 0.020 0.007 0.077

Task 3: Determining accuracy of the regression model#

  1. Use the .rsquared method to check the rsquared value. Assign this variable to the name reg_rsquared.

  2. Create a scatter plot of residuals vs. fitted values.

Step 1: Check r-squared value and name result reg_rsquared#

# Write your code here

reg_rsquared = reg_mh_fit.rsquared

Step 2: Create scatter plot using matplotlib to visualize the residuals vs. fitted values#

# Write your code here

plt.scatter(x = reg_mh_fit.fittedvalues , y = reg_mh_fit.resid)
plt.axhline(y = 0)
plt.xlabel('fitted values')
Text(0, 0.5, 'residuals')

Task 4: Answering some questions about the regression model you have just fitted#

Question 1: How is the accuracy of the regression model according to its r-squared value and residual plot?

Question 2: What is the intercept of the model? What does it mean?

Question 3: What are the coefficients and p-value of each independent variable? What do they mean?